This is a story about an adventure in the cold, icy, North. This time, the story is about one of the Nordic countries: Norway! As if they haven’t got enough ice, we added some frozen colour to their existence.
The first communications with potential distributors for exporting our Frozen Cocktails started in late 2017. Our quest to find a suitable distributor succeeded, and our first products in Norway were sold in 2018. Today marks our fourth year of collaboration with our local distributor. The Norwegian market has contributed to our annual growth significantly.
Cold adventures…
We had never thought our Nordic adventure would be this successful: not only because of the cold climate, but also because of other challenges we had to face. We say challenges because Norway has strict laws on alcohol. Marketing and promotion for alcoholic products are completely prohibited, and high excise duties are due on alcoholic products. Grocery stores are only allowed to sell beer and cider. Distilled drinks are only available at state-owned regulated liquor stores (Vinmonopolet).
Our products were subject to strict procedures from the Norwegian government before we were allowed to sell in-store. However, since the moment it was approved, and for sale in the Vinmonpolet, our products gained huge attention and became increasingly popular. This led to a further increase in demand, which led to more shops across the country, adding our products to their assortment. Our brand has proven itself worthy. A big thank you to our Norwegian distributor for making this possible!
Made for Norway…
We started developing new flavours for Norway for the first time in 2019, which led to a special Christmas edition flavour: Jule ICE. The name of this flavour is derived from Julebrus, a traditional soda that is often consumed during Christmas.
This year, we have developed a second flavour: Vodka Orange. This flavour is derived from the Norwegian orange soda brand: Solo.
Even though alcoholic products are expensive in Norway and without marketing possibilities, Norwegian citizens spotted our colourful packaging and gave it a try, and with success!
Jubel (cheers),
Team 24 ICE